
The Starling is a medium-sized bird with a glossy, iridescent plumage that shimmers with purples, greens, and blues, and is often seen murmuring through the skies in huge flocks, creating mesmerizing aerial displays. They have a distinctive high-pitched song and can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including parks, gardens, farmland, and wetlands.
- Starlings can be seen in the UK throughout the year, with their numbers increasing in the autumn and winter as they join together to form large flocks. During the breeding season, from March to July, they can be found nesting in cavities in buildings, trees, and cliffs.
- Starlings are part of the Sturnidae family, which includes over 100 species of starlings and mynas found in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They are known for their gregarious behavior, complex vocalizations, and ability to mimic other bird songs and even human speech.