Garden birds are a common sight in the UK and can bring joy and entertainment to those who watch them. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colours, making each species unique and fascinating in its own way. We wanted to give you a closer look at some of the most common birds we see in our gardens.
- Robin
One of the most well-known garden birds in the UK is the robin. These small birds have a distinctive red breast and a melodious, high-pitched song that can be heard throughout the year. Robins are often seen perched on garden tools, on your bird feeding station or hopping along the ground, searching for insects to eat. They are also known to be friendly towards humans and will often come close to investigate any activity in the garden.
- Blue Tit
The blue tit is another common garden bird in the UK, recognised by its bright blue and yellow plumage. These small birds are often seen flitting between branches, searching for insects to eat. Blue tits are also known to be regular visitors to garden feeders, where they will happily tuck into sunflower hearts, peanuts, and suet balls.
- Blackbird
The blackbird is a common sight in many UK gardens, recognisable by its distinctive black feathers and yellow beak. These birds have a beautiful, melodious song that can be heard throughout the year, and they are often seen hopping around on the ground, searching for worms and insects to eat. Blackbirds are also known to be partial to fruit and will often help themselves to any overripe berries in the garden.
- House Sparrow
The house sparrow is a small, brown bird that is often seen in large flocks in urban areas. These birds have a distinctive chirping call and can be heard throughout the day. House sparrows are known to be social birds and will often be seen hopping around together, searching for seeds to eat. They are also regular visitors to garden feeders, where they will happily tuck into a variety of seeds.
- Goldfinch
The goldfinch is a small, brightly coloured bird that is becoming increasingly common in UK gardens. These birds have a distinctive red face and bright yellow wing patches, making them easy to spot. Goldfinches are known to be fussy eaters and will often only feed on specific types of seeds, such as sunflower hearts and niger seeds. They are also known for their melodious, tinkling song, which can be heard throughout the year.

- Great Tit
The great tit is a common garden bird in the UK, recognised by its black and white head and bright yellow breast. These birds are often seen flitting between branches, searching for insects to eat. Great tits are also regular visitors to garden feeders, where they will happily tuck into sunflower seeds, peanuts, and suet balls.
The UK is home to a wide variety of garden birds, each with their own unique characteristics and behaviours. From the friendly and melodious robin to the colourful and fussy goldfinch, these birds bring joy and entertainment to many people across the country. By providing a variety of food and habitat in our gardens, we can help to ensure that these birds continue to thrive and bring delight for generations to come.